How Drones Support Essential Workers for Covid-19

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With Covid-19 forcing more and more states around America to enter lockdown, essential workers, including local police and law enforcement and doctors, need help now more than ever.

Coronavirus is a serious threat to the health and safety of the entire world, and in order to defeat the virus, many states are asking that their residents stay indoors or away from other people until the virus is eradicated. What you may not know is that drones can be used to help local governments during this time.

In the United States, many places are under lockdown, which means that residents are advised to only leave the house for essential tasks like purchasing groceries. They may also go on walks as long as they don’t congregate in public areas and stay at least six feet away from others at any given moment.

However, this doesn’t ring true for everyone. Workers from grocery store clerks to truck mechanics, doctors, and law enforcement still must report to work. Right now, these workers, called essential employees, are what is keeping our economy and our health safe.

In this article, we’ll discuss the different ways drones can help in the efforts to minimize the number of people affected by the virus. Learn how drone services can support people during pandemic.

Drones as Support for Essential Workers During Covid-19

Here are just a few of the different tasks drones can perform to help keep citizens safe during these volatile times.

Deliver Equipment

Doctors and hospitals need masks and supplies more than ever. Drones can be used to deliver these supplies without the risk of human contact spreading coronavirus. As you may know, hospitals are in a shortage of supplies that they need to test and treat those potentially suffering from coronavirus. With healthcare workers being on the frontlines of this outbreak, it’s important they have the supplies and equipment they need to stay healthy while treating patients.

Without the hardworking doctors in the United States, we wouldn’t be able to help keep as many people as possible safe. In fact, medical schools are graduating their students early in some parts of the world in an effort to provide hospitals with the much-needed help. Bodies aren’t the only things we need to fight this virus, though; we need supplies to keep these people healthy and safe from contracting Covid-19 themselves, including surgical masks, gloves, and more.

Search and Rescue

Police and law enforcement still have jobs to do during this time. With the fear of coronavirus spreading, it can be difficult to get many things done that they would do on a typical day. Search, and rescue is just one of the jobs your law enforcement does. Search and rescue help find missing persons who may be in danger. Unfortunately, the world doesn’t just stop turning because we’re all under lockdown. People can still go missing, and it’s up to your law enforcement to find them.

Security drones equipped with audio and video can support law enforcement in their search and rescue efforts, helping to cover more area in less time.


As you may know, social isolation is the best way that we can work together to come out on top of this virus with minimal losses. To keep people inside or away from public gathering areas, drones can be used for evacuations. In Latin America, authorities are using drones equipped with audio to find citizens congregating in the streets and ask them to return to their homes.


Drones that are equipped with audio functions are also being used to help make announcements to the public. This means that instead of hoping citizens will tune into their news channel at a certain time every day, they will hear the announcements from a drone. Drones can make giving announcements to cities easier, ensuring that the public must listen instead of choosing not to.

Security drones can be used to warn people of quarantine curfews or if they’re seen in public without masks if their city or state has made that a requirement. Drones can also educate people about the necessary precautions, reminding them where they can pick up masks and gloves.

Aerial Spray and Disinfection

Drones are typically used for agricultural applications to spray pesticides on crops. However, in China, they are equipped with disinfectant spray to help clean the areas that may have been affected by coronavirus. As you know, from watching the news, Covid-19 is mainly spread from respiratory droplets and can spread through touching surfaces that are contaminated.

For example, if someone with coronavirus happens to cough on playground equipment, anyone else that touches that equipment can get the virus and become sick.

Disinfecting public areas is an absolute necessity during this time. Compared to spraying by hand and sending out a workforce to do this, drones are much more efficient and consistent. Depending on the type of drone and application, this technique can cut the time it takes to disinfect an area in half.

Consumer Delivery

If you haven’t noticed, people are bulk buying items that they deem necessities to get through their quarantines, like toilet paper and food. While we’re all still allowed to go to the grocery store to get food whenever we need to, many stores are already out of the essentials.

Apart from drone security camera in homes, drones can help the delivery of consumer items to ensure that people have access to the food and goods they need during limited human interaction. While we will still rely largely on our truck drivers to make sure our goods make it to the stores for us to purchase, drones can aid them and help them get through the most difficult, stressful times.

Contact Us for Drone Security Services

The World Protection Group is the leading company in the executive protection industry to use and integrate drones into its operations. We also support small and medium-sized law enforcement agencies with our security drones. We have trained FAA commercially-licensed remote drone pilots and we provide services to private organizations that want to use this exciting new technology to deliver a more sophisticated security and support operation during this time.

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